Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

hoping Mom will enjoy the trip

before i write down more, firstly, I have to honestly tell that this story was inspired by what Agus told in his blog (www.avgustin.net). About less than next 2 weeks, I will married and the wedding reception will be held in Baturaja, the small town part of South Sumatra province, around 250 km west side of Jakarta - the town now I'm living in. You can imagine, how far it is from Demak, my home town, 8 hour driving from Jakarta at East direction. For me, actually it is not big deal due to I had experienced in adventuring sulawesi - the place that well known of uncomfortable road to be tripped and extreme landscape. But, it will be different for my mom, person who very reluctant to get trip due to the trip sicknesses problem. this problem often disturb my mind even has been my consideration when decide to ask my beloved Maya as my wife. nevertheless, the problem actually is just in my mind. even though i clearly know that the trip sicknesses is still become problem of My mom, but in any conversation, I can't find the grumble sentence told by her. She tries to brace up me and convince me that everything will be OK. it is really big sacrifice. Now, I can understand why Agus ready to ignore all of he has had and all of dreams he has built, just for reduce His mom sadness due to the cancer she suffer. Those are the reasons why God put the heaven below mom's feet.

Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

American style authoritarianism

concerning the way of America in expanding the liberalism, democracy and free trade idea, there are some weird phenomenon arise when we deeply look at the current reality. just recall first that the purpose of that idea was to ensure the basic right of every people either in term of politics, economy, social and culture. well, the ongoing condition is likely to be in contrary. the policy they decide is more focus on their interest, instead uphold the core issue related to human right. just imagine, is it possible to provide people freedom in any sector and any country when they, in same time, try to place the military agent in every strategic area, which is actually it is part of other countries territory? yes, they just ensure their interest merely, even for that purpose, they had ignored other country's sovereignty. so what is the different between US idea with communism that use the power of country to treat the freedom of individual. actually, they just replace authoritarianism from inside one country to be applied to the world at whole. let see the future of this ideology.....

Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

benarkahku sebegitunya?

kujejaki tanah ini sepanjang hari
ku tahu kadang becek, gersang bahkan berdebu menyesakkan
aku selalu disitu...
tetap disitu..
menjejakinya sejauh waktuku...

aku tidak pernah melayang
aku tau setiap tetanggaku juga tetap disitu
mengarungi hidupnya tanpa kesah
mensyukuri keringatnya dengan senyum cerah

aku tau mereka juga tidak pernah melayang
mereka disana dengan tenang
selalu tenang...
bahkan disaat nasinya adalah pakan ternakku

aku tau aku tidak akan bisa terbang
lalu buat apa merasa hidup bersama awan?
menghirupi oksigen kualitas terbaik
mengakrabi bintang dan mencandakan merpati

kuingat kakiku lebih dari apa yang diotakku
karena kakiku selalu ada disitu
tidak akan pernah kemana-mana
tetap menjejak...
menapak pada tanah yang sama
dengan yang lainnya

Senin, 18 Agustus 2008

Innocent Keynesian

On which level should government involve in economy? This is ongoing debate that could not been concluded yet. But, for me, at least there is one point that should not be doubt “government must be remain exist in economy in order to protect the interest of unlucky citizens who unfortunately often as the majority”. Smith may argued that they will be protected by “invisible hand”, which some said that it was representation of God in regulating the globe. He might forget that God "needs" the effort of the people to change unlucky destiny currently they run. Latest world economic condition shows that the market is getting far away from perfect competition, which is the market condition that ensures equal allocation of the resources for all actors. The market leader abuses their market power in order to grape more profit without giving attention to uncontrollable of hunger and unemployment. The power of money controls economy as whole and letting real sectors being stagnant. On these situations, government should play their role. The problem is how should government play their role in economy? The simple answer is being innocent. Government as organization, institution or person should act like kasim (just remember about the ancient history of China) or slave in serving people interest. They should free from particular group or their selves interest. The story telling about fault involvement of government in economy is often because of the lack concern of them to avoid egoistic interest. They should remember that they are paid by citizens so the interest of all citizens should be the priority. The next question arise, does not the policy formulated by government is kind of political mechanism where various interest allowed to compete in? Hereby, we have to differentiate between government as political institution and as tool of applying policy or commonly called bureaucracy. As political institution, government may open to take any interest or intervention. But this mechanism just allowed until the process of constructing grand policy including budget to support it. In implementation process of the grand policy, the kind of government who responsible is it as institution what so called bureaucracy. Thus, what I mention that government should free from any interest is in term of government as bureaucracy. In my opinion, even though political mechanism is known as the dirty process, but the policy resulted by it is never constructed by intention to damaging society or destructing people. The problem often arises is in the implementation of it. One that causes is related whit managing the interest influencing the bureaucracy. Thus, for civil servant in particular, just being innocent Keynesian. Seorang Keynesian yang lugu……

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

Does KPK overact?

some are shocked by the backthrough policy launched by KPK in regard with the obilgation for the accused person to wear special uniform. in addition, KPK has prepared to involve in budget meeting of DPR. how should we response to those policies? hereby, i will just focus on the policy of involving in budget meeting. in regard with imposing special uniform for accused person, i definitely agree with them. corruption is special crime that potentially create massive damage in societey so the special treatment must be applied to the actors. as a notice the uniform has to remains respect to the human right and not violate the "pra duga tak bersalah" principles. for instance by appearing the label of uniform in accordace with the status of the accused persons.
how about the idea of KPK to involve in budget meeting? my position regarding to this idea is tend to be disagree. in principle, KPK tries to prevent the corruption since the very beginning stage of constructing the government budget. it is ok since KPK could ensure that monitoring system including the staff that they build is highly protected from the possibility of bribering and contaminate from external bad influence that could treat integrity of KPK itself. if KPK highly involve in the unclear systeam like ordinary governemnt system, it will potentially treat the clearence of KPK as institution that until now can be grade great. the best choice in my oppinion is keep stay outside of the system and work maximally when they found the violation of the regulation on the system. the basic principle should be awared by KPK is just like the principle on the soccer game that "the refree does not be permitted to involve in exercise section of particular club". because when refree too close to the player, coach and management, it will potentially create what so called conflict of interest. Thus, keep stay away outside the system is the best choice of KPK if they want not loose their reputation. hopefully KPK can formulate the best decision...

Mempertanyakan Kebenaran?

ada logika menarik tentang kebenaran "jangan biarkan kebenaran jatuh kebumi karena akan membuatnya menjelma menjadi kekuasaan yang represif. biarkanlah kebenaran tetap menjadi mistery dan harapan. yang terpenting saat ini adalah kebaikan sekarang". pemikir tersebut mengibaratkan kebaikan sebagai kosakata present tenses sedangkan kebenaran adalah future tenses. lalu dalam konteks apa pemikir tadi membicarakannya? beliau mencoba mendebat kebenaran samawi yang dituangkan lewat kitab suci. tentunya kalimat dalam tanda petik diatas merupakan kritik keras terhadap upaya implementasi "aturan agama" menjadi hukum positive.
apa yang bisa kita tangkap dan kita kritisi dari statement pemikir diatas? luar biasa sekali logika beliau sehingga mampu mendikotomikan kata kebaikan dan kebenaran sehingga menjadi begitu kontradiktif. konsep kebaikan sebagai yang terpenting adalah sebuah konsep yang meminggirkan iman dalam cara berfikir. salah satu "karakter iman" adalah iman terhadap sesuatu hal yang gaib. adanya hari pertanggung jawaban adalah sesuatu yang gaib dan karena kita telah dikabarkannya lewat kitab suci maka kita mengimaninya. memang benar kebenaran ini ada kelak di depan hari untuk pembuktiannya. tetapi konsekuensi dari mengimani kebnaran ini harus diimplemntasikan sekarang. karena kita yakin bahwa setiap apa yg kita lakukan sekarang akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban kelak dikemudian hari maka kita akan hati2 dalam bertindak dan berupaya agar setiap gerak searah dengan ketentuan yang memintakan pertanggung jawaban (yang notabene adalah zat yang mengabarkan tentang kebenaran hari pertanggung jawaban). dari logika ini kita tau bahwa kebaikan sekarang bukanlah satu2nya unsur pengontrol gerak kita. iman akan kebenaran yang memang masih mistery atau ghaib juga seharusnya punya peran bahkan mungkin lebih besar untuk mengontrol langkah kita. dengan iman itu bahkan kita tahu bahwa "apa yang menurut kita baik sekarang belum tentu baik untuk masa depan". jadi menjadikan kebaikan sekarang sebagai yang terpenting adalah suatu sikap arogansi dari manusia yang serba terbatas. kecuali kalo iman pribadi kita mengatakan bahwa kita akan hidup selamanya. thing that absolutely impossible.....